Friday, January 31, 2014

What Is True Beauty?!

  As Girls, we tend to analyze every little thing about ourselves. In fact, we over analyze ourselves most of the time! But why do we critique and judge ourselves so often? What makes us feel so insecure of who we are and what we look like to the point that you are always concerned about how you look and what the next big trend is.

 I know from personal experience that being a girl in this world full of media and people that pressure you to be a certain way is NOT easy. But its something that can push us to look deeper into ourselves than just the outward appearance. There is so much more to you girl! There's more to beauty than just blush and mascara!

 Sometimes its hard to see us as being beautiful, but trust me we are GORGEOUS! Yes, your looks are important to a certain extent, but it doesn't "Make Up" who you are! Putting on make up can be fun, or for some of us it can be more of a cover up of our imperfections. Beauty is all about how you see yourself and others around you.

 It makes me sad when I meet someone who is very beautiful on the outside and looks inviting to talk to, but in reality has a mean attitude or is judgmental. At that point, I don't care what you look like! If I can't feel comfortable around you and relate to you, our friendship isn't gonna work!

 I love when people are somewhat confident in who they are and are not afraid to go out without makeup or can just be their goofy selves and not care who sees them. Those are the type of people that I admire most!

BEING GENUINE! That, girls is the best thing you can be!

Don't EVER let anyone tell you that your not pretty enough, not smart enough, not strong enough to do anything! You can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who gives you Strength!!!

Each of us are different and Beautifully made! So be yourself and don't be ashamed because


-Aaliyah Blasio

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